вторник, 3 ноября 2015 г.

how to reduce menstrual pain

Recommendation how to reduce menstrual pain
It is advisable to drink more water, add lemon juice to the water was a bit acidic. If you love to drink tea, then add the ginger, lemon and mint. Waist and legs need to be kept warm, even at home, you can go to the woolen socks, the body retains heat and not wasting energy on heating. And most importantly - to your woman's body receives the care, love and attention primarily on you. Try to remove from their lives in these special days of all sources of irritation and stress, because stress more spazmiruet internal muscles. Everything is connected in your body, dear! Therefore, in these days it is important for you to get as much positive emotions and spend more time outdoors. Soon the pages of my blog, I will share with you a special "breath of love", which removes sharp pain and smazmy in the uterus.

1 комментарий:

  1. Hi! Sometimes I think that it is my karma to feel such pain every month :-(. May be during privious lifes i made smth bad? It is strange, medicine does not help any more... Please help!
