пятница, 2 ноября 2018 г.

Female Shamanism with Diana Suemi

"Female Shamanism"
Disclosure of natural woman’s force
The natural force of woman and their power, is multifaceted, unpredictable and capricious ...
It's unbridled power of obsessive desire, an enormous potential for creative implementation ... and the one who can subdue this power, to know the secret of awakening and feminine energy control, will be the happiest woman in the world! It will have everything in her life: fans, youth, beauty, love, money and success!
However, the natural power of woman is comparable with the volcano. It may suddenly wake up and destroy everything in its path. Tremendous energy is given by God for creation. But this energy often goes for destruction: self-destruction, destruction of health and destruction of nerves the persons whom we love. Dissatisfaction with life, psychosis, hysteria, conflict with beloved, destruction of relationships are the result of lack of basic knowledge about women's power.
What is the true nature of woman? Where is this force born in woman? What way she may use her energy in day-to-day life in relations with a partner, in business and in discovery of their creative talents?
This can’t be said with words, can’t be shoot a film. This one was hidden for centuries…
Female Shamanism
- This ancient system of knowledge about women's nature, the connection between women's power with the forces of the elements and the cosmos, this understanding of the laws of universal harmony and how to apply for exemption from the hidden psychological blocks, stress, and neuroses of the modern woman. Special mystical rituals connected with the movement of a "night light", increase women's magnetism and help build a harmonious relationships with men.
The basic theme of the course of female shamanism is Strength and Wisdom of Shamanic Goddess Umai. The course is designed for a year. Every step - seminars + individual work

1. Awakening of woman's power in relation to the elements. In ancient times woman had the ability to attract the spirits of the elements which granted energy: the energy of the earth – for protecting hearth, for creating  love oasis of and harmony in the family. Energy of the water - for youth, health, beauty and flexibility. Energy of the fire – for kindling life passion: the art of realization of desires. Energy of the air - for uncovering hidden talents and unique abilities. Special old pagan rituals help you to get the protection and patronage of the spirits of nature.
2. How to attract the spirits of the defense in your habitation. Household Shamanism connected with cleaning rooms, cooking. Creating a "harmony of space at home" in order to attract the spirits of family happiness. Tree type. Special shamanistic talismans and amulets for protection from bad influences. Searching of your strength. Wood of strength. Bird of force. How to determine your spirit helper to get support in all matters.

3. Disclosure of female essence in a special way of old pagan shaman. Specific elements of the ethno-style clothing, the ancient art of decorating a cloth, plants, flowers. The ritual opening a great female power. Special makeup to attract the spirits of the elements. Solar and lunar makeup - the art of managing energy in everyday life. Ritual makeup that provides strength. The magical power of look for the control of  the opposite sex attention. Ritual of the merger with Onome which attract a male mate into your life.

4. Shamanic healing. The ancient methods of healing with stones, ancient spells. Removing the crown of celibacy. Special techniques of trance healing body and soul. Usage of force elements for energy cleansing. Ancient methods of rejuvenation of the body. Healing of internal organs, the expulsion of the spirits of disease and depression. A special ritual healing female essence. Initiation into the shamanic healing "Amitafo"

5. How to recover your strength after a power loss, conflicts, turning to his aides to the spirits. Knowledge about energy and how to use this knowledge for protecting business. To make business not lose your energy, but give you power. The gait of force, breathing of force. Methods for rapid recovery of the energy balance within yourself. Ability to resist external influences in the social world, not to depend upon alien opinions.

6. Shamanic creativity. Ethnic art. Disclosure of nature and ability to release the latent potential energy due to the use of special shamanic tools. Creating individual shamanic music. "Dance of the elements” ritual. The vibration of the universe sounds, revealing the relationship with your personality and the release of latent abilities.

7. Journey through shamanic realms and an appeal to the gods of 4 worlds: Erlik - God of the past, Umai - Goddess of the present, Ulgen - God of the future, Tengri - God of eternity. Shamanic world map, which describes the structure of the universe through the eyes of the shamans and explaining the essence of all phenomena. 5 shamanic soul on the world tree. How to determine your shaman destiny in order to realize individuality.

Involving of much constructive creativity is one of the features of the female line of shamanism. The woman is an art - and it is important to transform herself and the world, to make it more beautiful, to do magic around herself, revealing her creative abilities. And  then she will feel happy

Let the magic of shamanic transformation will touch your female essence just tomorrow!


"All my life I dreamed about a special man for me. I could be happy with him, and he  would not try to make me. And we could evolve together. All previous partners either tried to impose their system of values or fed on my neck.

There is a bitter truth which I may admit to myself, cause I don’t have it in my life now. Thanks Ladamira who changed first of all my attitude to myself. And as a result I was able to take in my life other relations.
Special thanks to spirits. If I didn’t take part  in ritual with Onome, and didn’t get the spirits support, I never probably would go through such magic state of merge with the significant other. He helped me to start to appreciate myself.

Nina, 32, Ekaterinburg

"If 5 years ago anybody said me that I could heal people, I certainly would not believe it. I always thought that the world around me is  very material, and everything else - this game is just sick imagination ... But one day, my perception of the world completely turned upside down. During one practice at a seminar on shamanic healing we have been doing massage for the elements. I was in pair with a woman. The woman’s legs grew numb. Ladamira mentor said that she had a very poor relationship with the element of earth and all the energy was concentrated in the upper center. When I started  give her a massage on the elements, as soon as the first element (as once was the element of earth), I slumped with a very strange feeling. My mind was both here and at the same time somewhere in another world. I remember that I began to utter some strange sounds similar to the shamanistic rite, and even had the feeling that I quarreled with someone ...My mind was like in a fog. My hands continued massage more active. As it turned out, the spirits wanted to help this woman through me because I was open to that effect. Imagine my surprise when, after this unusual ritual, this woman stood up and started dancing! She cried with joy and could not stop. And we all stood spellbound and watched as the ancient knowledge does wonders ... "
Marina, 28, Milan