воскресенье, 11 октября 2015 г.

CHILD DEVELOPMENTin the mordern world.

It is very very important to create and organize the harmony space for chidren to help them to communicate to each other. Through communication children develop, they learn the world around them through it. Otherwise the child will grow up with many difficulties in communication: fears, non self-confidence, no personal power in order to reach purposes. The healthy lifestyle is integrating more and more in the society. It is not only about meal and air, its also about healthy invironment, healthy (positive) communication.

In one of the schools we have implemented the idea of healthy communication in order to get rid of blocks and bariers between children of different ages. It was done as holiday event in the school, named "Сelebrating the onset of autumn". Children were dancing, singing, playing a lot... And at the end, of course, a lot of gifts received :-)

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