Our emotions make canvas, background of our life. They accompany all your thoughts, acts. But very few people think, that their acts, all their life events, the character and people attitude to us depend on themselves. None of us thinks why I am experiencing these very emotions, but not the others? Why do I react in my life in this very way? And of course none of us can even guess that our emotions make our destiny.
There is one good wise proverb
about that: Sow a habit, and reap character. Sow character and reap destiny…
Let’s think: which habit emotions do we sow and
due to them which destiny eventually will we reap? Which emotions do exist in
us? What do they give us? And finally which destiny will they lead us to?
There are positive and negative emotions.
Positive emotions are particular for people, who build their destiny
successfully. They always think structurally, they are not upset, if something
goes not the way they are up to. They always try to foresee something bad, and
they act in bad situations calmly, in cool blood, they don’t yield to panic and
rush. In life they strive to positive emotions and pass them to the surrounding
people. They never complain about life, they don’t mourn about people, destiny,
about God. They bring positive things, and that is why their destiny is created
in the positive way. Such people are called lucky persons or men of destiny.
The samples of them are holy men: Seraphim Sarovskiy, Sergei Radonezhskiy and
other Christian saints; Buddhist Enlightened: Buddha, Tilopa, Naropa, Narpa, Milarepa
and many others. Even Dalai Lama is very positive,
light, cheerful man! Many Hindu and Sufi saints, all the enlightened
Teachers of humankind were and are very positive people.
But not only enlightened people can be positive.
Turn around and you will see that there are very many pleasant people around
you, who are creating their destiny with smile and joy! And the whole Universe is
turning to them with its favorable side. You know that Universe, God always say
only word «YES» to us. It doesn’t know other words. And if we say to it: «How
admirable is everything around! How wonderful people surrounding me! How happy I
am that I have such a destiny! » then Universe will say us «YES! HAVE IT YOUR WAY!
We create our destiny with our own thoughts and
everything, the way we live, what we
become, which people and circumstances are around us – all that is creation of our own thoughts! The
examples of such bright positive cinema personalities are Sahib (Captain Nemo) from
the movie «Captain Nemo»; Geographer Paganel from the movie «
In Search for Captain Grant »; artist Jack from the movie «Titanic».
You can also remember such heroes from
literature, from your own life. And maybe you are such a person yourself?... J
Destiny for looser is created in absolutely
different way. They constantly complain,
repine at their destiny; they all the time have someone who is guilty in their
mistakes and faults, diseases and troubles. They blame the government of their country,
Mayer of their city, their chief at work, their partner, children, neighbors - whoever,
but not themselves. This way they escape from taking responsibility on
themselves for their acts and decisions and shift it on someone else and assure
in their own helplessness. They take small troubles as insuperable obstacles;
they are making a tragedy of every small detail. They accept world in the dark colors,
they criticize their close and little-known people, refuse themselves to enjoy
something useful and positive. They comprehend something new with moans and groans, they are always full of scepsis regarding
creative research of their contemporaries. They keep to their old, outdated
experience with bulldog determination, depriving themselves from opportunities
to move forward.
They never think about bad sides of some things, they don’t think, how practically they will act in unfavorable situation. They always hope that «perhaps». When something in life exceeds the measures of their plans – they accept misfortunes like the end of the world. They don’t take any initiative to overcome small misfortunes, they just sit doing nothing. And then they complain about their destiny to other people: someone they know, relatives, colleagues, passengers in the train, friends and take energy from them – they vampire them. Because they have already spent their good positive energy, they are trying to get it from people around them. After communication with them you will feel emptiness, weakness, closeness, sleepiness or irritation (signs of energy loss). Basing on the mentioned above one can definitely say, that life and destiny of such people is created unfavorably: they suffer from bad luck, they are often sick, they feel few positive emotions, they seldom or almost never happy …
They never think about bad sides of some things, they don’t think, how practically they will act in unfavorable situation. They always hope that «perhaps». When something in life exceeds the measures of their plans – they accept misfortunes like the end of the world. They don’t take any initiative to overcome small misfortunes, they just sit doing nothing. And then they complain about their destiny to other people: someone they know, relatives, colleagues, passengers in the train, friends and take energy from them – they vampire them. Because they have already spent their good positive energy, they are trying to get it from people around them. After communication with them you will feel emptiness, weakness, closeness, sleepiness or irritation (signs of energy loss). Basing on the mentioned above one can definitely say, that life and destiny of such people is created unfavorably: they suffer from bad luck, they are often sick, they feel few positive emotions, they seldom or almost never happy …
The sample of such man can be Herostratus, who
fired Artemida Temple in Ephesus.
It took place 356 BC. The Temple burned to the
ashes. Herostratus was executed right away. Herostratus immortalized his name,
but what is the price for all that?!...
His own life, which he could live fruitfully
and happily! Mujahids act the same way.
The bright sample is Judah, he acted carelessly
in important situation and then he couldn’t bear sufferings of his conscience.
This is the just the way to act and to think followed by all the people, who
finish their lives with suicide, what is a heavy sin before Lord! Women-haters
and men-haters also think negatively, nationalists and many others. Half of people
in their lives don’t think positively. That is why unhappy destiny comes up for
Negative emotions – is devils tool, it is destruction
force of Erlic. This god is revealed through them in our life. Negative emotions
are contagious, as since very childhood the children are brought up to be negative.
Look around at the people who are next to you, and you will see that majority
of them are in negative states and emotions. Look at big crowd of people – and you
will be surprised to notice, that there are more gloomy and grouchy people,
than cheery, joyful and pleased ones. Cheery man is accepted by our society as
something strange and even dangerous («Too much joy discovers folly …»).
The older becomes a man the gloomier and gloomier
his states are. Mainly young people, teenagers and children are joyful and
light people in our society. Adults feel already less joy – there are concerns,
cargo of problems on their faces, they are worried with something, depressed
with something. Faces of old people entirely
look like the cringed masks of negative emotions: offence, self-pity, judgment,
criticism, enviousness, anger and etc.
There is one wonderful song, it sings about the
following: « Their faces are masks of those sufferings, which fell on their
fortune and sensual devotions of fear, pity, sorrow…»
How does it happen, that small cheerful child eventually
becomes gloomy, grumbling, grouchy, elderly man? Why man can’t save his cheerful
state till his old age? Why it doesn’t become bigger, stronger, and turns into its
First of all let’s consider the way children
are brought up.
They are brought up to be negative constantly: from
all the sides permanently child is listening how adults are judging him and
each other, how they criticize, gossip and patterns of this behavior appear in
Child is learning from adults by imitating –
this is the way nature made it. Baby animals are learning from their parents by
the way of copying their parents. They don’t have mind, which will help them to
understand something, but they have only instinct of imitation, due to which
they can learn. Man is not that far from the animals. Intellect doesn’t work or works not so good when
child is before three years old, and that is why he is learning from his
parents, basing on the instinct of imitation. He simply imitates his parents;
he absorbs all the ways of behavior since early age. It is said not for nothing:
«As the tree,
so the fruit» or «Like father, like son! ».
When child’s
intelligence appears, it is already hard to reteach him to act in some other
way. He has already learned many patterns of behavior. For example if five-year
old Indian boy happens to get into European environment it will be very hard
for him to learn to eat with fork and spoon, as he has already learned to eat
with his hands. The same concerns our emotions. If mother was critical and judged all people around, than five-year old
girl would be like her mother and she would also be judging people. If father
was pathologically jealous, then his son would grow up the same. This quality jealousy
will be with him for the whole his life. If parents didn’t teach their child to
have order, they were untidy, and then don’t you expect that child would be
tidy. Or for example in case if father didn't have any initiative in the family,
blamed his management and government in his bad life. That means that boy will
grow up looser, looking at his father. If mother constantly feels sorrow about herself,
then a child will suffer from self-pity too. Hence negative emotions come to
us. They are coming to us from our behavior. And they also come from movies («Santa-Barbara»),
romantic songs («Crime and Punishment»), songs («You have left me»). Imitating negative
behavior models of the characters we ourselves become negative and unlucky like
they are.
But negative emotions and judging close people cannot
change anything for the better. They serve only for destruction. All the people
with unlucky destiny are doing only one thing - they are judging someone all
days long. That is why in order not to
become looser, you should refuse form this harmful injurious habit!
If man reveals negative emotions, then he
should reveal them just against his drawbacks: laziness, gluttony, envy and
many others to destroy them. One should direct judging against his vices, like all
the saints did: they blamed themselves for these drawbacks and that is why they
were able to win them. That is why we know them as saint people. And we also should
get mad at all our imperfections and start fight with them severely until all
these drawbacks enslave us completely!
But man usually protects his drawbacks,
justifies them. And instead of creating something light, positive, he sinks
into critics, often judging even the source, which supports his soul with light.
How many people were judging Christ! Neither his father, no his wife understood
Buddha and they also judged him. All the prophets, Sufis, mystics were judged!
They called them mad people. And how much critics was addressed to Gurdzhiev,
like that he was black magician, he hypnotized people ant etc. Inquisitors judged
pagans, they ineffectively fought with them. Pseudo-Christians still judge people,
who know, understand and they try to fight with them, instead of creating
something light and positive by themselves.
And how much they were judging Rajneesh! Even
those people, who left his ashram!
Perhaps he is the most famous spiritual personality, which had so much
critics fell on him. That critic was undeserved and groundless.
But let’s look what is happening to majority of
people around us. When people gather together they don’t say: « Let’s all of us
be joyful, let’s laugh, let’s start praying, let’s love this world, let’s
cultivate the state of happiness, luck, let’s help other people do this». But
instead of that they start gossiping, judging others, their life, complaining
about their health, destiny. Remember the way it used to happen. People start talking
about their troubles, murmur against their lives when they are sitting
somewhere in the kitchen and drinking their cup of coffee.
The same attitude is transmitted to us by Mass Media:
anxieties, bad news, judging someone – we all learn this since childhood, from
the cradle. The same very mood is transmitted to the Tutors, we start looking
for something bad in them, we see just negative. One can start murmur against
God too, that He created this world as imperfect, that He created sufferings, diseases
in it and etc. But this will lead us to creating negative life program for
ourselves by ourselves and we will become loosers. In fact all our thoughts are
material and exactly they are making our life, they create its circumstances
and destiny.
That is why one should be very careful with his
thoughts, remembering that to think badly and negatively is very dangerous and
harmful – this is the way we destroy our fortune, we become loosers.
The lower the spiritual level of a man the more
negative and judgment he has in his life. Homeless person who is digging in the
scrapyards searching for his «breakfast», he is the one who judges people most
of all, saying to himself: « And they, who couldn’t live their lives the way I
DID! » And he keeps digging in the waste.
The higher the man the more joy and light he
has in his thoughts and words. Christ was calling everyone to love and to
forgive, to bless those, who are cursing and hunting you away. All the
spiritual Teachers are teaching Light and Love, forgiveness and humility. Tsar Solomon
solved many disputes of his subordinates, but he never judged them– people
loved him for this! All people who succeeded in life, they can think positively
and pay little attention to judging and critics.
The more successful a man, the more positive, creating
thoughts he expresses, because positive thoughts make success program for him
in his life. He subconsciously feels this and strives to think in the right way.
He thinks positively –and Universe is saying to him: «Have it your way! Let your destiny be happy and lucky!
The more unlucky the man, the more negative,
negation, gossips are in his talks. And Universe says to him: « Have it your way!
» And his destiny becomes unlucky. The
question is only in the choice are we making? Choice is in favor of positive or
negative emotions?
That is why if you want to grow up spiritually,
the more successful, lucky you want to be in life, the more you need to
concentrate yourself on creation, light, positive, joy and communicate with
those people, who will share your delight, inspiration, happiness. In fact while communication we multiply the states,
which are in conversation.
Have you ever noticed that your state becomes
few times better than before after communication with your co-thinkers, who are
following spiritual way like you?...And how light and elevated the state
becomes after group lessons! And the more people are at this lesson, the more
delicate and lighter your state is!!!
If vise verse some people together cultivate negative
and judgment, then they will feel few times worse depending on how many of them
gathered: two persons –means that twice
worse, four – four times and so on. If many people will gather together and will
cultivate negative –the armed conflict will start, war, revolution, inquisition,
terrorism, nationalism. In other words they are all kinds of bad situations and
destructions. Remember the history lessons for the whole mankind –and they will
teach you a lot. And what about the recent political conflict at Manezhnaya
Square in Moscow? And what about passions of soccer fans, every time they threaten
to change for mass fighting and often turn into it! And during all those events
people suffer, many of them are getting traumas, some perished …
If it is vice versa then good light virtuous initiative
will appear, everyone will feel better due to it, it will be the fest of joy,
like Indian Festival of Colors, Holi. People are laughing, celebrating and pour
each other with colored paints. Or Slavonic Ivana Kupala Fest. Look how
cheerfully and joyfully children pour each other! For the moment they can have fun! J
After lucky world perception appears, than the turn
to the better will happen: Ashram will come up, spiritual School, Joint State
and many other things.
If we want to help world, our earth, the whole
mankind, God, since today we should quit the most destructive habit to judge
and negative. And during communication with each other start in group or alone cultivating
light, positive, spiritual thoughts, filled with creation and love, full of
gratitude and Grace, happiness and joy! Then our entire planet will be lighted
with Love, understanding, peace and happiness
and prosperity. And Kingdom of God will start, wars and cataclysms,
poverty and suffering will be over! People
doomed themselves to diseases and other kinds of evil and misery by their
negative thoughts of judging. They will disappear! Actually why God created us on this earth? Was
it for us to give rise to evil and suffer from it ? NO! God has created us for Love,
happiness, joy, well-being and prosperity! He sent us to this earth for that and
entrusted us his GIFT – our life! So let’s justify his trust and live worthily,
happily, joyfully this life!
You can do it alone, in couples, in
group. When in group the result is much more effective. If you do your practice
in group, sit in a circle, focus on Divine, pray. Then remember all the bad
situations in your life, all the judging thoughts, negative emotions, gossips,
chitchat. Remember how your destiny was formed, how many misfortunes, bad lucks
and miseries happened in your life because of all that! And imagine how it
could be formed in another way, in case you could think in different way.
However happy cheerful lucky you could be!
Imagine all your negative: thought, gossips and
etc. in the form of living creatures – lyavras (creatures which live in our
subtle bodies and feed on our energy), vampires, evil spirits, devils, living
inside us. May be they will take appearance of some freak animals or unusual
objects, monsters. Try to hear which voice they are talking. Every state may
have his own voice. Judging can talk inside you in mumble voice; complaining
about life – can talk in high-pitched, whining voice; offence – can talk in moaning
voice and etc.
Imagine everything, what bothers you so much; throw
everything off yourself furiously with phrases: «Bye misfortunes, troubles,
negative, evil, diseases, and bad luck! I deny from you! I don’t want to support
you with my energy anymore and to give you my life, my attention, destroying
myself and making my fortune miserable! » Imagine vividly how all those things
are burning in the purifying fire flame and disappear forever!
After liberation from negative, positive is
being cultivated. Actually big space inside us was released! Now it is free and
should be filled with something new and positive. Otherwise old habits may come
back at their old place, and all your efforts will become useless. For this not
to happen one should cultivate positive. Imagine all good positive qualities: Love,
Grace, joy, delight, rapture, happiness, prayer! Imagine brightly how they are soaring
around us, knocking to you, want to enter inside you. Imagine all these outstanding
states in the form of angels, cherubs, and kind gnomes or simply like brightly
shining balls of energy. Whatever! Breathe all these good qualities inside you in while drawing them with
your hands and breathe out spreading them around you. Wish luck, health.
Happiness, all the very best to yourself and all the people of the planet!
One can do this practice in the other way:
write down everything on the piece of paper, everything what bothers you, all
the negative. Make drawings of your bad qualities and states. Then burn all your drawings (if you do the practice
with group, fold them together) while pronouncing the same orientation « Bye
misfortunes, troubles, negative, evil, diseases, bad luck! I deny from you! I don’t
want to support you with my energy anymore and to give you my life, my
attention, destroying myself and making my fortune miserable! »
After that bury the ashes, imaging how you are
burying these qualities forever, delivering them into the grave.
You should do grounding with the same mood.
And in order to strengthen positive, one can make
common reality together in group, imagining yourself and each other cheerful,
joyful, positive, happy, and lucky. Every person in the group can tell the way he
sees himself now, the way how his thoughts, his deeds and his entire destiny
will change, the way he will be helping other people to see Truth and how he
will help them to change his destiny.
You can also make triumphs to each other, congratulating
with anything: happy birthday, the day of arrival on the spiritual way,
restoration of health, arrival form Power Places and so on, meanwhile group is
directing positive energy to one person, then to another person and this way to
all the people, gathered in the group.
It is obligatory to share impressions how bad is
to judge people, tutors, God, spiritual classes , and how due to this the destiny changes for the
worse and cultivate negative to life, people, situations. How useful is the
positive look at things, how much joy is given by spiritual classes, prayer,
fests, good thoughts of delight, inspiration and many others, the things
without which our life would be grey,
miserable and unhappy .
One should always remember that if you want to
see only negative, than one can find it everywhere even in God. But all these thoughts
are from devil. It will not make things better.
THAT IS WHY after you make all these practices
you should fix the experience, obtained in your life. One should always
cultivate good positive state, to watch your thoughts and not to allow negative
to come back to you.
Let peace, joy, happiness and blessing stay
with you!
Be happy and present happiness to other people!!!