вторник, 17 февраля 2015 г.

Having built a career as a “business-woman”over 15 years, a Senior Manager, there came a moment in Diana’s successful career when she felt and realized the most important aspect for her consciousness was lost… Upon this realization, she embarked on a journey searching the world, meeting with Spiritual Teachers & within to find what was missing. Traveling and collecting ancient knowledge in India, Egypt and Altay, Diana rediscovered this lost aspect &ultimately learned that the modern world often demands a woman play masculine roles & use methods which are not her intrinsically hers.
In time, this destroys the nature of women, bringing huge internal tension, problems with men,  loss of youth, beauty and health. Today, Diana’s work the last 10 years is to coach women in 7 countries on how to: discover their true essence, return their lost feminine power, feel wonderful & deserving the best of life, find the ideal partner, create harmonious family & business while remaining successful, strong and self-sufficient.
More details:
Diana Suemi
- Life spiritual coach since 2008
- Senior Manager of one of the most successful media-agencies of Moscow (2003-2008)
- Founder of DAOIN women international association
- Creator of esoteric tours to Places of Power in India, Tibet, Egypt, Cyprus, Mexico etc.
- Author of “Creating a successful life mandala” methodology
- Co-author of Sansaway international esoteric project
- Guest on TV-programs in Russia, Spain, Germany, USA, Mexico
- Со-organizer of international festivals: Women Art Festival (Moscow, 2010), Festival of Ethno-cultures (USA, 2012), The Conference on Women Rights protection (Spain, 2012)
- Degrees in economics, psychology and business administration
- 15 years personal experience closely working with Masters in India, Siberia, Tibet

1997 - Diploma on Higher education. Economist-manager with knowledge of two foreign languages on the "World economy" specialty
1998 - Second higher education. Faculty of journalism of М.В. Lomonosov MSU on special department program "Basic directions of advertisement activity"
1996-2008 - Professional advertisement activity (built the career of media director of advertising agency since 2003)
2002-2003 - Certificated TMI specialist (business education)
2005 - Additional trade education: Russian School of Management: Diploma of MMBA

Having completely fulfilled herself in the world of business, Diana did not stop thereon, and went further:
- She repeatedly participated in expeditions in the famous ashrams of India,
- accomplished pilgrimage to the monasteries of Tibet,
- studied the ancient east culture of relations, tantric tradition and culture of family.


Ekaterina, 36 (Saint-Petersburg) :
"For me Diana is a unique combination of successful woman who fulfilled herself both in the "communications" and in "spiritual" world. She always gives a clear, structural answer to any question! No waffle about "don’t be lazy, move it". Due to her training, for the last 5 years I’ve found myself, opened the floral business, and renewed relationships with my husband. And most valuable for me is that I have time for everything! And this is all due to her programs! Thank you, Diana! "

From Diana’s interview for Sansaway journal :

"Having built the career of senior manager, and gotten the "business-lady status in society I felt at some instant, that I lose the most important in myself… And I started searching for her in myself, traveling and collecting ancient knowledge in India, Egypt, Altai” - Diana shared her experience. "In the modern world a woman often has to play masculine roles, use methods which aren’t hers. And it destroys nature of woman, brings huge internal tension, problems with men, loss of youth, beauty and health. I like to help women find themselves again, return the lost feminine power, feel wonderful, deserving the best of life, find the ideal partner and create harmonious family, remaining successful, strong and all-sufficient."
"…I like studying phycology and astrology, because it helps understand myself better, I like to study shamanism and other ancient traditions, because they help feel better and I like to sing, because my soul becomes happy through singing and I pass this happiness to other people."

Attendance request
To Diana Suemi’s authorial programs:
·        “Strong and weak sides of women success. Achieving yin-yang balance for a business lady”
·        “4 ways of realization of the nature of woman”
·        “Psycho-energetic protection for woman energy”
·        “The value of woman and her society role”
·        “Ceremonies and rituals in woman shamanism”
·         “Creating a successful life mandala” webinar course

Diana Suemi videos:
·        “Personal Power and self-belief” video-meditation  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivj4fV7gLuY
·         “Money-magnet” practical video lesson  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXw0jABZEzI
·        “Solar with Diana Suemi. Meeting your Birthday correctly and making a success program for all the next year” – course of video lessons http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lo6ljl_qlbk
·        “Devine feminine or how to manage the energy” Practical video lessons for women http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12lg_MP3VYc
·        “A key to your true self” video meditation  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ch_N-dGTZko

Diana Suemi:
"I think it is most important - not to stand in the way of your development, your intuition and to believe sincerely in the higher destiny; remember that this life is given us for learning.
May successes go with you on your course of life!”
FB Diana Suemi

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