суббота, 5 ноября 2016 г.


I would like to share the lecture about women's energies. The sourses of inner feminine power. Why feminine energy is the healing energy. How to awaken our essence through 3 chakras.
Gift for newcomers: 1st individual session by skype 20 min. Register here: http://dianasuemi.com/en/personal-online-consultation/

Practice through dinamic meditation is one of the way to open our female chakras and to empower ourself.

More about opportunity to join women's circle you can learn by email daoinloove@gmail.com
or ask Diana Suemi at FB page https://www.facebook.com/diana.suemi.7

среда, 2 ноября 2016 г.

TRIBE MEETING with DIANA SUEMI in Los Angeles, CA (women only)

Conversation + Meditative Dancing with Siberian Shaman, Diana (Women Only)

Conversation + Meditative Dancing with Siberian Shaman, Diana Suemi (Women Only)

Event Information

Siberian Shaman, Diana Suemi is in town. Hosted at Wylie Wilson, we want to share her with you. This experience is for Women Only. Goddess time!

Siberian healers use ancient methods which help people to reconnect internally with their soul and externally with everything in this world. Their methods are very simple; yet, profound and practical. They represent a beautiful movement of love and compassion.

Together we'll learn the MANDALA DANCE - Opening up our Divine Feminine Energy through this Sacred Dance.

With help of this Ritual Dance we'll begin to feel more confident, feminine and improve romantic relationships. Our natural source of feminine power will awaken bringing more "success" to all areas of life.

*** Please wear long shirt or dress to feel feminine energy best AND bring a yoga mat or pillow to sit on ***

Event is a for women only. Suggested donation of $15 will help us to cover venue rental cost. Xo

(Artwork courtesy of Georgina Billington + Mia Morgan of The Visionary Art Project)

About Diana:
International Women’s coach, consultant, author of unique programs of Sacred Sites Travels, and “How to create Mandala of successful life." Diana helps women to deal with health problems, create harmony in relationships and maximize the use of their resources. From 2008 Diana is involved in charitable projects to support poor and sick women and children, victims of acts of terrorism and violence. Diana’s mission – to help women believe in themselves, to fulfill themselves and be happy!

One of her interviews on the "Importance of caring for your feminine energy" can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=492&v=45eLzHXviCc